
Memorial Cards

Black & White Photographs

Copyrighr 2006-2024

We can scan your Balck & White family photograph, isolate the portrait you require, resize, colour adjust, repair minor damage and blemishes and usually replace the background, as it quite often detracts from the portrait.

Black & White photographs can be coloured. as shown below.

Please let us know colour of hair, eyes etc.

These photos can be rectangular or oval with a hard or soft edge. We also have Borders and Frames available.


If you send a photograph for reproduction, then please use guaranteed next day service from the Post Office to ensure that a trace exists in the unlikely event of the photo going astray. We will always return your order by special delivery (U.K. only) if a photograph is enclosed.


If you have the facilities to do so, you are welcome to scan the photograph yourself and email it as an attachment, but we recommend that you scan the photograph at 300dpi for optimum printing results.

Sepia Tinted
Colour Tinted
Colour Tinted with Background